Microsoft PowerPoint is a software application that is particularly used to present data and information by using text, diagrams with animation, images, and transitional effects, etc. in the form of slides.

PowerPoint is widely used in business and by learning providers.
This powerful tool has a number of features that can help to create professional catching quality slide presentations.
Whether you are new to PowerPoint or experienced user our training will give you an opportunity to create presentations accustomed to your needs and experience.
Our Microsoft Certified Trainers will teach you both basic and advanced features of this program. We provide both individual or group classes in virtual or in-class format.

Some of the functions that we learn during our courses include:
– Creating slides
– Creating presentations
– Combining PowerPoint with Word and Excel
– Editing tools
– Secure and share presentations
– Adding audio and video notes to presentations
– Connecting data from external sources
– Adding charts and texts And much more…
Our training course will definitely contribute to the employee’s or business owner’s personal efficiency!
We are here to continuously support our clients in accomplishing their business and personal goals
After completing our professionally designed training course participants will be able to create multi-purpose presentations in less time thus releasing extra working hours for your business’ cash generating activities.
We can also create a training course or webinar specifically tailored to your requirements.We use flexible approach and can help you with your specific needs.
Contact us for more information about PowerPoint classes and webinars